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How to Make Your Titles Look Professional

Titles look professional
Published 12 April 2021

Last updated on 30 June 2021

Have you ever created an awesome-looking video, but then got stuck because titles made it look dull? Or maybe you couldn’t find the right titles and completely gave up? That’s okay — we’ve all been there. And the best part is that the Bounce Color team found a fix for this problem.

Instead of using the standard titles offered by editing programs, Bounce Color have created some things to make your titles look professional, so your videos will look stunning without much of a hassle. 

Let’s get to it, shall we?

Use Cinematic Title Templates

As I mentioned, using the resources from the editing software are quite basic, and probably won’t give you the results you want. But, you can use a cinematic titles template — you can either create it yourself using After Effects or use a pre-made one, that you can customize however you want. 

My favorite thing about these cinematic titles is that it’s not something you see every day. Whether you’re a vlogger or a freelancer working in Filmmaking, it’s definitely something you should consider if you don’t want to spend hours creating a stylistic title.

How to Use Cinematic Title Templates

  1. Download an awesome pack of professional titles. I love the ones Bounce Color designed because they’re versatile, easy to use and work in Adobe After Effects.
  2. Create your video. Before you add the titles, you want to make sure the footage is edited the way you want it to be. This way, you’ll know exactly what and where to add.
  3. Open the templates folder and choose your favorite. Then, all you need to do is add them to your program and edit them. It doesn’t matter what’s your favorite, because they’re compatible with every single one of them.
  4. Export your video. Everything’s done, and you’re ready to showcase your new professional titles!

Use Animated Elements to spark up the titles

Another option to spark up your titles is to add animated elements around them. This way, even a simple font can look fantastic. These really helps titles look professional.

Again, you have two ways of doing this: either create them yourself in After Effects or save yourself a lot of time and get this pack of animated elements.

Animated Elements Bundle

They’re incredibly easy to use (all you need to do is drag-and-drop them into your project), and there are over 600 of them to choose from (if you get the bundle) — you may even have trouble choosing the one you love the most.

Free Animated Elements

Bounce Color have opened some of their animation library so you can experiment. Take a look at their free elements to see if any take your fancy.

Screenshot of video editor creating a professional looking video

How to Use Animated Elements

  1. Get a fantastic pack of animated elements. I like the one Bounce Color developed because it’s fun, easy to use by anyone, and compatible with every single editing software out there. 
  2. Create something awesome. Before you start adding any effects, you want to make sure your video is ready — otherwise, you may find yourself editing a little too much.
  3. Open the animations pack. You have over 600 elements to choose from, and you can add them to your composition to see which ones work best. 
  4. Export your video! You’re done and ready to present your new video!

It’s easier than ever to make professional titles — all you need is a little creativity, and one of these awesome packs to add that surprise element we all love!

About Author

As a digital marketer, Andreea also has an incredible passion for photography, so she's here to give you all the information you need on the topic!